Burle Marx Exhibition
We are excited to announce that MoCA will be hosting a photographic exhibition on the works of Brazilian landscape designer Burle Marx. Born in São Paulo, Roberto Burle Marx (1909-1994) was the first garden designer in the 20th century to value tropical plants as essential features of important parks and gardens. He incorporated plants from the tropics which were generally associated with a disorderly or wild context and created a new aesthetic that played with individual, exceptional specimens and large sets of the same plant groupings. During his visit to India in 1970 he ordered hundreds of plants to Brazil that he incorporated in many of his designs including the Flamengo Park in Rio de Janeiro, the largest public park in the world.
This photographic essay by Brazilian artist and leading architectural photographer Leonardo Finotti will be exhibited at the MoCA Courtyard for a limited period only, so don’t miss your chance to see it!