Goa: The Monicas in the 'Vale dos Lírios
MoCA and GHAG organized a series of sessions under 'Heritage Hour'. On 22nd May 2021 at 6 p.m IST they conducted Heritage Hour #2 The Monicas in the 'Vale dos Lírios':an analysis of the various aspects of life in the Santa Monica Convent community and their active involvement in the social, religious, cultural, economic and political dynamics of Portuguese Asia (1606-1738) by Dr Rozely Menezes Vigas Oliveira.
About the speaker:
Dr Rozely Menezes Vigas Oliveira graduated in History at Rio de Janeiro State University (2007) and pursued her Master's degree and doctorate in Social History at Rio de Janeiro State University (2012 and 2019). She received the prestigious Prix international d'encouragement aux études postdoctorales, offered by the Fonds de Dotation de l'EHESS, with the European Institute of Cultural Sciences, the P. Manuel Antunes, the International Society of Jesuit Studies and the CIDH-Universidade Aberta/Global Studies Doctorate.
Dr. Rozely is a member of the Núcleo de Estudos Inquisitoriais (NEI) and the Researchers’ Network Visões da Ásia.Currently, she is a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences at the University of Campinas.
In this session, Dr. Rozely will share her findings based on her doctoral thesis entitled "The Monicas in the Vale dos Lírios: from the founding "saints" to the rebellious nuns of the Monte Santo in Goa, from 1606 to 1738" in which she analyzes various aspects of the St. Monica convent community, since its foundation in 1606 until 1738. She will throw light on the cloistered population, their ways of life, their administrative and economic practices, their interests, their relations with outside society and social network, their resistances and confrontations in conflicts and crisis moments. She will also share information on the diverse origin of the women who composed the convent residents and the peculiarities of female religious life in Goa.