Our next Heritage Hour will be on the Biodiversity of Goa, presented by Omkar Dhardwadkar
Through the session, Omkar would like to give the audience a glimpse of the immense biodiversity that Goa is home to. Goa, though a small state, is extremely biodiverse because of the variety of habitats packed into it. The talk will introduce what makes Goa so good in terms of the biodiversity and uniqueness of multiple species that call Goa their home. It will also touch upon the perceived image of Goa being primarily a beach destination.
Omkar Dharwadkar has been working as a naturalist professionally for the last 10 years in Goa. He has recorded several species of birds, butterflies and dragonflies new to the state of Goa and a species of dragonfly new to science. He runs his own responsible tour company "Mrugaya Xpeditions" and they are involved in conducting community-based tourism wherein local stakeholders are the direct beneficiaries of the tourism activities that happen in those villages. They also believe that they should have minimum impact in the areas where they conduct their tourism activities. He is also the vice-president of the Goa Bird Conservation Network, an NGO working towards, documentation, awareness and conservation of birds in Goa.
Join us for this amazing talk on:
1st October 2023,
Sunday at 4.00pm
Offline lecture at Museum of Christian Art
Free to all
Registration required via link https://forms.gle/1gVDrSYjp3X5jLTz6
Museum of Christian Art,
Old Goa