WHAT'S ON / Event
Heritage Walk in Neura & Mandur
Join us on 26th October as we explore the villages of Neura and Mandur!
Steeped in history, Neura offers unique glimpses into the past of this area and the Augustinian religious order as well as a unique devotion to St. John the Evangelist. Take the opportunity to visit Nossa Senhora de Amparo - considered one of the most beautiful Goan churches ever built.
26th September 2024, Saturday
Starts at 0900 hrs, Neura
3hrs approximately
Cost Rs. 1,350/- per person (Rs. 1,150 per person for season pass holders)
Light refreshments will be served
Limited spots! Contact us via WhatsApp on +918308805399 to book.
All funds raised go towards the Conservation, Educational and Cultural initiatives organized by the Museum of Christian Art.

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